State of California

Biltmore Hotel
Galeria Room
515 S. Olive Street
Los Angeles, CA

March 25, 1977
10:00 a.m.



77-7-1 Minutes of the October 4, 1976 Board Meeting.

77-7-2 Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to South 1
Coast Air Quality Management District's Rule 463
Pertaining to Floating Roof Tank Seal Requirements.

77-7-3 Public Hearing Regarding ARB Hearing Procedures. 61

77-7-4 Other Business
a. Executive session - personnel and litigation
b. Research proposals

ITEM NO. 77-7-2

Public Hearing to Consider Proposed Amendments to South Coast Air
Quality Management District's Rule 463 (Storage of Organic


Adopt Resolution 77-13, thereby amending Rule 463 (Storage of
Organic Liquids) of the South Coast Air Quality Management
District as shown in Exhibit A, but with such modifications as
the Board deems appropriate, based on testimony at the public


At its January, 1977 meeting, the Board changed the effective
date of the no-gap criterion of Rule 463 from February 1, 1977 to
April 1, 1977 and directed the staff to propose amendments to
Rule 463 based on the latest available data regarding the effect
of seal design and other factors on emissions.

The proposed rule would: 1) require secondary seals on floating
roof tanks with a capacity of more than 150,000 liters and
storing organic liquids with a vapor pressure 1.5 pounds per
square inch absolute; 2) limit gaps on primary seals to 1/8 inch
for 85% of the tank's circumference and to 3/4 inch for the
remaining 15%; 3) limit gaps on secondary seals to 1/8 inch for
95% of the tank's circumference and to « inch for the remaining
5%; 4) require that provisions be made for inspection of the
primary seal beneath the secondary seal; 5) require that
inspections of seals and seal fabrics be made to ensure that they
have no holes and are performing their intended functions; 6)
require an efficiency of 95% for vapor recovery systems on new
fixed roof storage tanks; and 7) establish a schedule that
requires final compliance with the rule by August 1, 1978.

The proposed requirement for secondary seals is based on the
results of tests on a 20-foot diameter tank by Chicago Bridge and
Iron (CBI) which show that: 1) to minimize emissions, the
closure device must minimize the effects of wind sweeping vapors
out of the vapor space above the liquid; 2) emissions from tanks
equipped with vapor-space-tight shoe seals are an order of
magnitude less than from tanks equipped with foam-filled toroidal
seals; 3) emissions from tanks equipped with secondary seals are
about an order of magnitude less than from those equipped only
with primary seals; 4) emissions from tanks equipped with shoe
seals are essentially insensitive to gaps up to 1 inch (the
maximum gap that was tested) for 5 percent of the circumference
of the tank; 5) emissions from tanks equipped foam-filled
toroidal seals are sensitive to gap width; and 6) emissions from
tanks equipped with shoe seals will be high if the vapor space
between the shoe seal and tank roof is not vapor-tight. Tests by
Engineering Science of emissions from full-scale tanks tend to
confirm the findings of CBI.

The gap criteria in the proposed rule are technologically
feasible. Field inspections by ARB staff show that a substantial
proportion of tanks equipped with floating roofs could comply
with the proposed gap criteria. Stringent gap criteria would
have the effect of forcing owners to ensure that seals are
properly maintained and functional. The requirement that
provisions be made to allow inspection of primary seals would
alleviate a problem the staff has had in measuring primary-seal
gaps on tanks equipped with secondary seals.

ITEM NO. 77-7-3

Public Hearing Regarding Adoption of Regulations for ARB
Administrative Procedures.


Adopt Resolution 77-14.


The regulations which are proposed for adoption at this public
hearing would establish administrative procedures in Title 17 of
the California Administrative Code relating to meetings of the
Board and administrative hearings. In addition, minor amendments
have been proposed for the Emergency Meeting procedures in
Subchapter 7, and these provisions have been relocated in a new
Subchapter 1 which will contain all the administrative

The new regulations provide procedures for implementing a 6-month
running calendar of future Board meetings, plus procedures for
giving notice of regular and special meetings, making staff
reports available to the public, and other related matters. In
addition, procedures are established for the conduct of
administrative hearings, including provisions relating to the
filing of petitions, selection of a presiding officer,
determination of whether an administrative hearing shall be held,
conduct of such a hearing, types of evidence which are
admissible, and the manner of issuing a decision.

These regulations will clarify and implement procedures for Board
meetings and establish an administrative hearing procedure for
matters where such a hearing is required by law or is otherwise
appropriate. The procedures are intended to provide for an
expedited resolution of disputes at the administrative level.

ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 77-14
Staff Report 77-7-3
Proposed ARB Regulations Regarding Administrative
Public Hearing Notice