State of California
                      AIR RESOURCES BOARD
                         State Building
                        107 S. Broadway
                        Los Angeles, CA
                         March 4, 1981
                           10:00 a.m.

81-3-1    Report on the Air Resources Board Acid Rain Symposium.

81-3-2    Adverse Health Effects of Air Pollutants: Recent

81-3-3    Status Report on the Assessment of Technology for
          Meeting a 0.4 grams per mile NOx Standard in 1983.

81-3-4    Other Business
          a.   Executive Session
          b.   Research Proposals
          c.   Delegations to Executive Officer

                         ITEM NO.: 81-3-1

Report on the Air Resources Board Acid Rain Symposium.


Acid precipitation was recently described as one of the two major
environmental problems facing the nation today.  Until recently,
the phenomenon of acid rain was thought to occur only in Europe,
Canada and the northeastern United States.  However, recent
studies have documented the occurrence of acid precipitation in
the state of California[1,2].

Because of the potentially serious environmental consequences of
acid rain in California, the staff arranged a symposium in San
Francisco on January 14 and 15, 1981.  Expert scientists from
outside the State came and presented papers; more than 250
persons registered and participated in the symposium.  The
staff's objective was to learn from the experience of others
exactly what adverse effects are to be expected from acid
precipitation, what early warning signals we might look for in
detecting damage and what additional research may need to be done
to answer the remaining questions.

This report to the Board provides a brief summary of what we
learned at the Symposium.  It will, we hope, provide a basis for
moving ahead with additional research which, in turn, will
provide a basis for action necessary in California to avoid the
severe ecological damage from acid rain reported in other parts
of the world.