Air Resources Board
Board Hearing Room, Lower Level
2020 "L" Street
Sacramento, CA

January 13, 1994
9:30 a.m.



94-1-1 Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of Emission 001
Control Regulations for Off-Highway Recreational
Vehicles and Engines.

94-1-2 Public Meeting to Consider a Status Report on ---
the State's Efforts to Meet Federal Clean Air Act

94-1-3 Public Meeting to Consider Research Proposals: 079

Closed Session:

Litigation -- Authorized by Govt. Code Section
11126(q)(1); San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution
Control District v. Air Resources Board.

ITEM NO.: 94-1-1

Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of Regulations Regarding
California Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures for
Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles and Engines.


The staff recommends that the Air Resources Board (the "Board")
adopt the proposed regulatory language to control emissions from
off-highway recreational vehicles and engines.


At the May 14, 1992 public meeting, the Board approved staff's
control plan for off-highway recreational vehicles and, in order
to fulfill the statutory requirements of the California Clean Air
Act, asked that staff return with a regulatory proposal which
would reduce emissions from these vehicles in a cost-effective

Staff is now proposing emission control regulations for off-highway
recreational vehicles. Vehicles included in this
category consist of off-road motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles,
go-karts, golf carts, and specialty vehicles. Staff's proposal
includes a recommendation for the adoption of emission control
regulations for these vehicles similar to those already adopted
for other on- and off-road engines. For 1997 and later model
year off-road motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, staff is
proposing new emission standards, test procedures, certification
procedures, labeling and registration requirements. Beginning in
1997, staff proposes that golf carts produced for sale in areas
that exceed the federal ozone emission standards, meet a zero
emission standard along with minor certification requirements.
For 1995 and later model year specialty vehicles less than 25
horsepower, staff is proposing the utility engine emission
regulations which were adopted by the Board in 1990 for similar
engines. For go-karts and specialty vehicles 25 horsepower and
greater, staff is proposing compliance with the more stringent
second tier utility engine standards beginning in 1997.


Staff has evaluated the current emission levels, available
technology, applicable standards and test procedures, as well as
the expected emission reductions and cost-effectiveness of this

By utilizing currently available emission control technology,
emission reductions of over 80 percent of the hydrocarbon (HC)
emissions and over 38 percent of the carbon monoxide (CO)
emissions are possible for this category. This amounts to the
elimination of 39 tons per day of HC and 103 tons per day CO from
the 2010 statewide emissions inventory. Additionally, the
staff's proposal is cost-effective when compared to other
proposals approved by the Board. The cost-effectiveness values
are: $0.03 to $0.35 per pound HC reduced and $0.03 to $0.31 per
pound of CO reduced, for off-road motorcycles and all-terrain
vehicles; $0.34 per pound of HC + NOx and $0.08 per pound CO
reduced, for golf carts; and $0.18 to $0.27 per pound of HC + NOx
and up to $0.01 per pound of CO reduced, for specialty vehicles.