Emission Projections By Summary Category
Base Year: 2017

(see notes below)

5. Display emissions for one or more of the following years:

6. Select geographic area for report:






  1. "Grown Only" and "Controlled Only" options are available for stationary and area sources for all future years. For historical years (i.e. pre-base year), only area sources are available. In addition, "Grown Only" and "Controlled Only" options are not available for Agricultural IC Engines (EIC's 052-042-1200-0010 and 052-042-1200-0011) and Non-Ag IC engines (EIC 099-040-1200-0000).
  2. For South Coast district, fixed future Reclaim allocations for NOx and SOx are imbedded in the stationary source estimates. "Grown Only" and "Controlled Only" options do not apply in these cases.